Melodic Musings

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Week 2 - George Gershwin plays "Rhapsody in Blue" by Gershwin

This week's listening selection is George Gerswhin's "Rhapsody in Blue." In its original form, this piece was written for two pianos, and was later orchestrated three different times by arranger Ferde Grofé.

Make sure you have a few minutes to sit and listen without interruption. As you listen to the piece, try to focus all your attention on the music, and make sure there are no distractions around you. To help you focus, here are a few questions with things for you to think about, concentrate on, and try to hear. When you are through, post your answers below in the "Comments" section, or send me an email.

Listening Questions:
  1. Is this piece for solo piano, or do you hear other instruments as well, and if so, what other instruments can you hear?
  2. Do you recognize this music (is this a new piece to you, is it somewhat familiar, or have you definitely heard this music before)? If you have heard it, do you know where or when you heard it?
  3. What is the mood or emotion conveyed by this piece of music, and what are the notes and rhythms doing that gives you that impression?
  4. Can you describe some of the musical things you hear occurring (for example, are there long scale passages, arpeggios, big chords, etc.)?
  5. As you listen to it, how does this music make you feel? Would you say you like this piece, and why or why not?

Bonus Question:
Can you find some biographical information about George Gershwin (the composer and pianist)?


  • There is piano, as well as wind instruments, like a clarinet or saxophone. I have definitely heard this music before, in several places, such as movies, but I can't put my finger on exactly where I've heard it played. The mood sounds happy, or excited sometimes, like a soundtrack to people bustling along a busy street. Then it slows, and that's when life is slowing down. There are arpeggios, and crescendos and decrescendos, making the music louder, or softer, or more dramatic. The music makes me feel like I'm in a busy setting and I'm rushing around, then taking a moment to slow down and breath and relax again. I like this piece, because it has the feeling of what life is like sometimes.

    By Anonymous Mandy J., At January 18, 2009 4:49 PM  

  • The solo piano that was played in this piece i really enjoyed, since there were arpeggios, and cresendos or an even louder tone which gave the piece a lot of depth. The mood that was described in the piece was very busy like as if in a city, but in a lively way.

    By Anonymous Hillary S, At January 20, 2009 6:35 PM  

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